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Tuesday, October 23
The Trained Monkey
on Tue 23 Oct 2007 10:23 BST
You know your getting old when your heroes start dying, this week we've lost Paul Raven the bassist from Killing Joke he was found on Saturday in Geneva, where he was recording dead in a chair from a suspected heart attack.
And today I find out Jacqueline Breyer (Lady Jaye Breyer P-Orridge), of Psychic TV
Lady Jaye died suddenly on Tuesday 9th October 2007 at home in Brooklyn, New York from a previously undiagnosed heart condition which is thought to have been connected with her long-term battle with stomach cancer. Lady Jaye collapsed and died in the arms of her heartbroken "other half" Genesis Breyer P-Orridge. http://news.independent.co.uk/people/obituaries/article3087256.ece
Monday, October 22
The Trained Monkey
on Mon 22 Oct 2007 11:53 BST
Broadcast Engineering the local parish magazine in this neck of the woods printed a Phil Crawley esk article on running media over networks.
One of the great statements it makes it that "the indeterminate nature of an IT network is fundamentally at odds with its use in media applications. It could be argued that Ethernet and IP are the worst possible network technologies for real-time media systems." and that "A modern broadcast technologist must think in terms of both the broadcast engineering and IT domains when designing a networked infrastructure that must support real-time transcoding." So the next time our designing a broadcast IT network, don't let the spotty Dilbert from IT that fixes the email server design it, call in a qualified broadcast engineer.
The Article in question http://broadcastengineering.com/storage_networking/real-time-media-networks/index.html
Tuesday, October 16
The Trained Monkey
on Tue 16 Oct 2007 10:34 BST
Are you ready for the digital television switch over, well it starts tomorrow. In Whitehaven in Cumbria Whitehaven is the first place in the UK to have its old Analogue signals turned off, first they lose BBC2 and slowly by 2012 the rest of the UK will be switched to digital only and the frequencies used for other things like the advance in mobile communications.
Monday, October 15
The Trained Monkey
on Mon 15 Oct 2007 17:24 BST
Sex and violence may sell, but if you want better ratings you got to have some substance says a study, the boston globe covers it here
"fuck you you fuckin fuck" Crudeness and the slipping standards of TV, despite big fines fruity language is up on TV, you can read the full article
Friday, October 12
The Trained Monkey
on Fri 12 Oct 2007 17:22 BST
This is so true it hurts.....
Wednesday, October 10
The Trained Monkey
on Wed 10 Oct 2007 15:10 BST
Did you get a chance to make a cup of tea, well put that cup down, its already booted.
New Asus Mobo's will have Slashtop on them, The point of Splashtop is to get you surfing the web seconds after you press that power button. Virtualise the device and your up and running. check out the video below for more info or check out their website http://www.splashtop.com/index.php
Friday, October 5
The Trained Monkey
on Fri 05 Oct 2007 16:43 BST
Well it seem they decided to put up a poster of a scantily clad Billie Piper in one of the most conservative neighborhoods in London. Someone seems to have taken offense to the poster and covered it in White Gloss.
Some one really doesn't like billie piper
The picture that they splattered is this one img.dailymail.co.uk/i/pix/2007/09_04/BillieUndiesL_468x28... Wednesday, October 3
The Trained Monkey
on Wed 03 Oct 2007 12:28 BST
The Grand Master Gee has been spending too much time getting the Silverlight love and has this on his blog, Xsan madness
The Trained Monkey
on Wed 03 Oct 2007 10:16 BST
My life is a very complicated drinking game
Tuesday, October 2
The Trained Monkey
on Tue 02 Oct 2007 13:58 BST
Theme tune writer Hazlehurst dies
----- I still remeber the Mary Whitehouse experence sketch about him, where they taking about the track my friend billy has a ten foot willy and he's nailed to the girl next door. He also did the theme to Yes Minister. Monday, October 1
The Trained Monkey
on Mon 01 Oct 2007 20:54 BST
A Bomb in Wardour St,? Nt really a bit of fire/gas on Berwick Street. I'm glad I left work early as Phil's picture shows everyone else left early too.
The Trained Monkey
on Mon 01 Oct 2007 19:20 BST
Hardcastle: Well, it would seem that fashion designer Tom Ford has
made it all reality. Friday, September 21
The Trained Monkey
on Fri 21 Sep 2007 10:32 BST
Yeah another watch that is hard to tell the time on, My new Storm Circuit http://www.stormwatches.com/watches/limited-edition/product-details/Circuit/10605
Wednesday, September 5
The Trained Monkey
on Wed 05 Sep 2007 14:51 BST
Due to the tube strike yesterday I had to stay at a friends as it wasn't worth getting home and all the hassle that it was bound to be getting back to East London. So I got the No. 8 buses in this morning to work in Soho. Well that was until I got to Holborn and the traffic started to crawl and I mean crawl. I got off the bus and started walking and strolled a lot faster than any bus up to the top of New Oxford Street and this was the view that greeted me, it buses backed up all down the road.
It wasn't till I got to the top of the queue of buses there was about another 5 or six all lined up that I could see the cause of the monumental tailback all down New Oxford Street into Holborn which had held traffic up for about twenty minutes and what had made this massive queue of traffic. The picture below is what greeted me. Oh joy a inconsiderate flat bed truck driver from Stanmore Quality Surfacing. The driver had just pulled out over the box juncation and tried to bully his way in, turn on his flashing amber lights to try and get traffic to move, I think they better get their drivers to read up on they Highway Code and not inflict more misery of the general public while the system is already understrain from the tube strike. Thank for making me incredibly late for work I hope you had a great start to the day too. 150: Box junctions. These have criss-cross yellow lines painted on the road (see Other road markings section). You MUST NOT
enter the box until your exit road or lane is clear. However, you may
enter the box and wait when you want to turn right, and are only
stopped from doing so by oncoming traffic, or by other vehicles waiting
to turn right. At signalled roundabouts you MUST NOT enter the box unless you can cross over it completely without stopping. Saturday, September 1
The Trained Monkey
on Sat 01 Sep 2007 19:01 BST
I recently bouught the HD-DVD player for my XBOX360 along with a few HD DVD's Hot Fuzz, Warriors and V for Vendetta.
I hadn't really watched a movie on it just used it to play games through till this evening when I came to watch Hot Fuzz I bought in the US. I finished playing Bioshock and popped the HD-DVD in the drive. it opened up got the lovely universal HD DVD logo and then BANG the dashboard popped up with an error COULD NOT PLAY CONTENT Error C667000A. First I thought it must be the disc or region encoding so I googled the error with not much luck. Then I came across the answer on this page. http://www.xbox.com/en-US/hardware/x/xbox360hddvdplayer/download.htm Basically there was a dashboard update for the HD DVD player in May 07 and this fixes the problem. The reason I had not recieved the update is that you have to start the HD DVD with no other disks in the XBOX drive so it doesn't switch to a game in my case Bioshock first. Once I removed the game, made sure i was connected to Xbox Live I pressed play on the HD DVD and the dashboard update popped up and downloaded...and Eureka the disk restarts and plays fine. If you don't connect you XBOX to Live then you can download the update from the page above. Friday, August 31
The Trained Monkey
on Fri 31 Aug 2007 23:33 BST
For many years I had a girlfriend who self harmed. Self harm is a complicated subject and there are many reasons why people do it and I've never quite understood it. I always told her it was silly and stupid that she would cut herself over something which could be emotionally understood and rational..
Tonight for the first time I think understand why she used to do it. People set people off in different ways but its is the burning that you feel inside because what they have done is all wrong and the only way you can get rid of the anger is to cut it out of your skin and in the incision they is a release. Nothing is going to help, no emotional talk through no sit down and a cup of tea and we can make it alright its only that razor against your skin. Never suicidal but just enough to let the pain away. To her I say sorry I now see you pain, hope your happier now.Love kev Wednesday, August 22
The Trained Monkey
on Wed 22 Aug 2007 14:11 BST
Well this could be a intresting stand to see at IBC On
its joint stand with NuMedia Technology, the BBC is set to show the
latest addition to the Dirac family of open source video compression
codecs. The Pro 270 application of Dirac allows the transmission of
HDTV signals using the cable and infrastructure already used for
standard definition TV. Which is quite sexy if I say so myself.... Tuesday, August 14
The Trained Monkey
on Tue 14 Aug 2007 20:51 BST
Oh dear another battery manufacture has problems this time its not Sony and only 46 Million batteries this time....
http://www.nokia.com/batteryreplacement/en/ Nokia has identified that in very rare cases the affected batteries could potentially experience over heating initiated by a short circuit while charging, causing the battery to dislodge. Nokia is working closely with relevant local authorities to investigate this situation. Nokia has several suppliers for BL-5C batteries that have collectively produced more than 300 million BL-5C batteries. This advisory applies only to the 46 million batteries manufactured by Matsushita between December 2005 and November 2006. There have been approximately 100 incidents of over heating reported globally.
The Trained Monkey
on Tue 14 Aug 2007 18:32 BST
Wednesday, August 8
The Trained Monkey
on Wed 08 Aug 2007 04:34 BST
Passing Side or Suicide, you decide!!!!
Sunday, August 5
The Trained Monkey
on Sun 05 Aug 2007 15:46 BST
Sony the makers of the world famous exploding batteries have sent out another product recall. This time its the Cyber-shot DSC-T5, I posted back in Nov 06 about the LCD recall.
This time Sony has announced a recall of another 350,000 digital cameras. But there's
no need to reach for your fire extinguisher, because this time the
recall is focused on the metal casing of one model that has the
potential to cut or scratch users.Someone used the wrong type of glue and they are falling apart at the seams. The problems surround the Cyber-shot DSC-T5 camera with serial numbers between 3500001 and 3574100, which was released in 2005. How to return you DSC-T5 to Sony is listed here: http://www.sony.net/SonyInfo/News/ServiceArea/070802/ Friday, August 3
The Trained Monkey
on Fri 03 Aug 2007 23:21 BST
Does this remind you of anything Simon?
Monday, July 30
The Trained Monkey
on Mon 30 Jul 2007 00:14 BST
Lugh sent this to the LIST today, I just spent 5 hours swearing very loudly His message read as follows: Ok then. I can
live with that but, you will swear, and swear loudly.
The Trained Monkey
on Mon 30 Jul 2007 00:06 BST
Jon Stewart introduces a nice exposition of the blatant
lies of the neo-cons.
Thursday, July 26
The Trained Monkey
on Thu 26 Jul 2007 11:01 BST
Mark Reed popped this up on this blog so I thought I'd copy him and do it too Iris - Lands of Fire (from the album Wrath) Probably the nicest and that's
not a bad thing, band i've ever met. Really cool guys writing great goth/emo.
Hailing from Austin Texas they remind me of a lost weekend in Gothenburg at
Sama. Prictures on link. Regan Jones and Andrew Sega and of course Brian
Apop was my first look into
future pop/darkwave as it is now. I was lent a cd by an ex girlfriend and it
all went from there. Contrary to popular opinion "i'm not a goth" and was always
indie dance boy.
Six form poets of the world
unite. Particks work resinate in the soul speaking
from a perspective of honesty. Seeing Patrick at Water Rats Theatre in Kings Cross when the
album came out was a great experience. The music on this album is great from Super Furries to the Manics and Julian Cope. Ah my rock roots comes out, BC, BC, BC...what does this say well...Graham, Riverside Studios club, Friday night.
A pillar, My nose work the rest out for yourself. Great. Oh to be young and stupid. When you look back and see that a lot of the orgianl memebers of Body Count are now dead.
I got introduced to this by my
boss. This track completely rocks all 9.53 amazing guitar. Done by the same guy
who played on the track used on the top gear theme tune. The break at about
2mins40 is sublime. Put it on turn it up and space out.
Trying not to be a teenager to this
song is impossible. Everything comes flooding back, the copperidge on the
quayside, riverside, bulletpoof dodgy old goths. hairspray and thursday nights of fun at 70p a pint. Wednesday, July 25
The Trained Monkey
on Wed 25 Jul 2007 12:19 BST
365main one the San Fransisco's biggest facilities, had their PR monkeys issued a press release celebrating the site's "two years of 100-percent uptime at 365 Main's San Francisco facility." Oops.
Not wanting to tempt fate this morning/last night their facility shut down due to a power outage losing Craglist, and Livejournal as well as other big names. The area has been seeing power problems all day but it seems the backup supply didn't kick in. Reminds me of a story about a nameless facility that had generators on the roof to run the technical mains in case of power loss then on winters night when the snow was heavy on the ground. The facility lost power and the generators kicked in, after about 15 minutes the generator started to set off the alarms for low fuel. Its seemed that whoever wired the generator into the building wired the fuel pump into the house mains rather than the technical so the pump was not working. So some poor engineer had to spend all night hand filling the generators till the morning came and the power came back on. Tuesday, July 24
The Trained Monkey
on Tue 24 Jul 2007 10:54 BST
Storage vendor Isilon Systems has hopped aboard the thin-provisioning express that's chugging through the industry, adding the sought-after technology to its clustered storage products as a part of today's hardware and software revamp. The new software, called SmartQuotas, combines quota management and thin provisioning into one software application. Isilon reckons its the first in the industry to combine the two for clustered storage. SmartQuotas allows users to partition a single, scalable, shared pool of storage (up to 1.6 petabytes) and assign limits on how much storage a particular user or group can access. ----- Oh so I can have workspaces in my Isilon oh it starting to sound like could be used to editing storage tool rather than your big SAN solution.http://www.theregister.co.uk/2007/07/23/isilon_smartquotas_iq_9000/ Sunday, July 22
The Trained Monkey
on Sun 22 Jul 2007 22:26 BST
never touch your eyes after you've been cutting chillis
Wednesday, July 18
The Trained Monkey
on Wed 18 Jul 2007 23:23 BST
Stanley living it up at Blanch House on Brighton www.blanchhouse.co.uk/
The Trained Monkey
on Wed 18 Jul 2007 17:02 BST
Saw this one Simon's blog and thought I better post a link to it
Stag night pranks: One of the guys here at work just came back from a 4 day stag do..... The rest can be read at http://blogger.gtvone.com/2007/07/smurf.html Oh does the url give it away? Monday, July 16
The Trained Monkey
on Mon 16 Jul 2007 17:11 BST
What happens if you have your ear to the
ground and have your finger on the pulse at the same time? Sunday, July 15
The Trained Monkey
on Sun 15 Jul 2007 17:33 BST
Friday, July 6
The Trained Monkey
on Fri 06 Jul 2007 07:47 BST
i've mentioned on my blog about beta drivers for netgear W111T drivers for microsoft vista well there are some release drivers out and you can download them from the link below
http://kbserver.netgear.com/kb_web_files/n101649.asp#vista_wirelessadapter Thursday, July 5
The Trained Monkey
on Thu 05 Jul 2007 00:09 BST
well if you can see this it means my blog is back up again...it's been off since Mon 02/07/07 it seems that somewhere between the company that supplies my blog and interweb is going wrong at a very regular interval. Its been dropping off line since March when i first reported the problem. Well lets see how long its up for?
Monday, July 2
The Trained Monkey
on Mon 02 Jul 2007 23:33 BST
Stockholm at night
View from the sky bar at the radison royal viking |