Today was a day for a bit of culture, Gaudi supplied it in droves. What an amazing building I'm never seen a church on this scale being built you normally see them 100 of years after they were finished. Lovely building.
photos are on flickr click on the picture and you can access the set.
This Month
Month Archive
Feeding Time at the Zoo
Recent Tracks Rockin' The Monkey House
Wednesday, June 27
The Trained Monkey
on Wed 27 Jun 2007 19:11 BST
Tuesday, June 26
The Trained Monkey
on Tue 26 Jun 2007 23:46 BST
Stanley makes himself at home in Barcelona
Friday, June 22
The Trained Monkey
on Fri 22 Jun 2007 18:11 BST
There is nothing like a photograph and nothing brings back memories than standing there seeing the place again, While I was in Central Park, New York I popped down to the lake and tried to recreate one of my favorite photos. It was taken in 2002 when I was in New York with friends
. Its now 2007 and I've gone digital, over film and colour over black and white...i made it a mission to take the shot again. Monday, May 21
The Trained Monkey
on Mon 21 May 2007 22:34 BST
This was a shot i took over the weekend, i personally think its great
Tuesday, May 8
The Trained Monkey
on Tue 08 May 2007 23:35 BST
Should this be classed as bullying in the office?
Wednesday, May 2
The Trained Monkey
on Wed 02 May 2007 16:15 BST
Thursday, April 26
The Trained Monkey
on Thu 26 Apr 2007 02:12 BST
The monkey has landed, again. In the surreal work that is Los Angeles who joys does this town have in wait for me, its always eventful and fun.
Thursday, April 12
The Trained Monkey
on Thu 12 Apr 2007 23:37 BST
Today I had two days off in Washington DC before heading to NAB in las Vegas, This is my fav photo I took while out today, it from the Lincoln Memorial looking out over the Reflectling Pool down to the Washington Monument.
My Flickr Pool Saturday, April 7
The Trained Monkey
on Sat 07 Apr 2007 16:05 BST
if you were looking for a bus in east london this morning. Then the reason is they were all probably here. There was another 7 buses waiting in the queue just around the corner. All thanks to District Line engineering works.
Monday, March 26
The Trained Monkey
on Mon 26 Mar 2007 22:02 BST
This is one of my fav photos i've ever taken, it just got great atomsphere
Sunday, March 25
The Trained Monkey
on Sun 25 Mar 2007 19:40 BST
its sunday must be Stockholm
Sunday, March 11
The Trained Monkey
on Sun 11 Mar 2007 21:33 GMT
More bright Ideas it says, well I think a bright idea would be to turn off the lights at 3:16am on a Sunday morning and save us all from more light polution.
Sunday, March 4
The Trained Monkey
on Sun 04 Mar 2007 16:11 GMT
I took the camera to one of my fav places Tate Modern, to try it out and see what kind of shots I could get out of th camera, of course I didn't read the manual before going out so I had fun in low light and getting something I liked. Well this is one f the shots I liked
This is a shot a few hours before the lunar eclipse... Friday, March 2
The Trained Monkey
on Fri 02 Mar 2007 16:14 GMT
New Device Warning.
I needed a compact camera to talk to gigs and have on me at all times, it was only luck that I had my big digital Canon SLR with me when the Warren Street Bomb went off, so I was looking at compact camera and looked at the Canon IXUS series and the Fujifilm E900 but in the end I thought I'd better do it properly. Every news photographer I respect at some point the classic picture was taken with a Leica. From the flaming napalm on South Vietnameseof Phan Thi Kim Phuc by the South Vietmanese to the photo take by Kevin Carter in Sudan they were all taken with a Leica, now its my time to join the Bang Bang Club. Friday, January 26
The Trained Monkey
on Fri 26 Jan 2007 02:20 GMT
Well I'm delayed at chicago o'hare so I thought I'd upload a shot I took on my photo on the way over. its a shot over the wing into the horizon
Wednesday, January 3
The Trained Monkey
on Wed 03 Jan 2007 20:37 GMT
Kodak has a sense of humour Sunday, December 24
The Trained Monkey
on Sun 24 Dec 2006 21:59 GMT
Well its not every day you come home to this on your road, I grabbed the camera and rushed out to get what pictures I could. Apparently the driver ran away from the accident.
Sunday, December 17
The Trained Monkey
on Sun 17 Dec 2006 17:51 GMT
Went for a walk on Saturday up to Wanstead Park,
History lesson: Since the time of Henry VIII, a grand manor house stood at the heart of the Wanstead Park eastate. Unfortunately, in 1812 the widowed owner of the estate re-married to the nephew of the Duke of Wellington who prompty squandered her fortune on his extravagant lifestyle. The house and grounds were sold off to repay his debts. Today, all that remain are the decaying remnants of the formal gardens, dating from the early eighteenth century. These gardens include a series of artificial ponds, the most interesting of which are are the ornamental waters which are maintained as a nature reserve.anis great for photographs Having been a decadent English estate, naturally Wanstead Park has its share of follies, including a ruined grotto boat-house and a mock-classical Temple. Photo of one of the pond Map Saturday, December 16
The Trained Monkey
on Sat 16 Dec 2006 13:04 GMT
The beta for the new PhotoshopCS3 is availible New features for the Photoshop CS3 beta include the following:
Friday, November 24
The Trained Monkey
on Fri 24 Nov 2006 23:00 GMT
The problem is caused by a glitch with the image sensor, which may mean the screen does not display images correctly, Sony said. The recall applies to models sold worldwide between September 2003 and January 2005. The electronics giant will repair for free only cameras that show signs of the problems, according to Sony spokesman Chisato Kitsukawa. The recall applies to models DSC-F88, DSC-M1, DSC-T1, DSC-T11, DSC-T3, DSC-T33, DSC-U40 and DSC-U50.Wednesday, November 8
The Trained Monkey
on Wed 08 Nov 2006 23:48 GMT
I took this on the 5th of November..... I love my camera probably the best purchase I even made. Going for real camera and not some fisher price 8meg job., purchasing one with a with full size CCD and good lenses
Sunday, October 15
The Trained Monkey
on Sun 15 Oct 2006 15:11 BST
Yesterday I decided to take the plunge and try Abobe Lightroom.. Thanks Gee It's avalible in two flavours PC and Mac.
The advertising says that its been built from the ground up by photographers for photographers, helping solve your unique workflow problems. Well I've got to say that it really does take the effort out of coverting, touching up, add metadata, archiving etc. These are all jobs that I had to do is different packages and it brings them all under one roof in a interface that isn't just easy to understand its logical too with the library, develop and print tabs these are all features that are understandable as people have been using them for years in photography.and with the addition of the web tab getting your pictures online couldn't be easier. Example of the added metadata. This was metadata I put in for the copyright for my Flickr account This is a screen grab of the interface taken while I was touching up some images of AutoClav 1.1 from Infest 06 in Bradford. Click on the image to expand it.
The Trained Monkey
on Sun 15 Oct 2006 01:49 BST
Below are the two photographs that have been published in the Las Vegas travel guide made by Schmap.. A link to the guides are on the right. I'm quite chuffed that they chose my pictures. Schmap make searchable maps, playable tours and
reviews for hundreds of sights and attractions, hotels, restaurants,
bars, parks, theaters, galleries, museums. Check them out
Saturday, October 14
The Trained Monkey
on Sat 14 Oct 2006 15:47 BST
While I was walking around Homebase I saw this and thought I'd better blog it from and not from Dyson's product is here and if you like a bit of Rock root 6 is here Friday, October 13
The Trained Monkey
on Fri 13 Oct 2006 09:43 BST
I've been away for the last week in Boston, MA and New York, I've got to recommend Boston in fall the colours of the trees were amazing and you just know that the snow is coming in a few weeks. While we were in Boston I we went to see see MTI Films in Providence, you guys Rock!.[1] They make a product called Control Dallies hopefully we'll be able to do some crazy things with this great product. [1] (c) James Clarke. Tuesday, August 22
The Trained Monkey
on Tue 22 Aug 2006 14:11 BST
Just left Houston had a great time and met some great people, never one to shy away from going clubbing on a night. I tried Houstons local alt. club Numbers and was pleasantly suprised. Met some great people in there and danced to some classic 80's tunes. Also ventured out to the Zoo to please my monkey fetish and I was not disappointed. (see pictures here) Thursday, August 17
The Trained Monkey
on Thu 17 Aug 2006 16:30 BST
Today is must be Dallas. This mornings image...
Had a great day yesterday in Seattle, all I can say is what a cool city. Very chilled out people and what a great place to work. Nice to show what a little company in London can do and have the big boys listen and lap it up. Anway back to the treadmill Monday, August 14
The Trained Monkey
on Mon 14 Aug 2006 04:28 BST
Stay at home, stay tucked up in bed. Thats what my "horrorscope" said this morning. Waking up knowing that I had to got Heathrow I tried to mentally prepare myself for the pain. So i got cleaned up and picked up my last few things and turned on the work mobile. I had a message from 10pm on Saturday night. "Mr King this is to inform you that your flight to Vancouver is now leaving at 12:30 and not the time advertised." PANIC, I'm standing in East London at 9.30 thinking I should be at Heathrow now, thanks for the ...So I get my cases together get on the tube and get going on the hammersmith and city line to paddington to get the Heathrow Express. London Underground don't let me down I need you today please I screamed and woe betide the man who wishes for London Underground not to fail. It pulls a classic out of the hat and deals me "person taken ill in the train in front". I we hadn't been stuck in a tunnel then I think I would have got out there and got a taxi to Paddington. Finally after what seems like hours we get going we get to Baker Street, they is an announcement which I don't hear because I'm listening Johnny Cash "Hurt" on the old Iriver. Which is that the train will now terminate at Edware Road, one stop short of Paddington. We get to Edware Road everyone disembarks its 10.50am I'm getting stopped at every turn I'm starting to feel like John Clease in "Clockwise". Bugger the tube, Jump into a cab the one stop to Paddington. Get my ticket for the express and then I turn the corner and see a almighty queue of about 200 people, my heart sinks then I notice all the shirts they are all wearing blue, they are Chelsea fans going to the charity shield match and not going to the airport, result. Well I get on the heathrow express and can you guess what happens....yes points failure at airport crossover. Joy oh joy. Its 11.20 we get to Heathrow I rush upstairs and am greeted by a scene out of a nightmare I once had, everywhere is people with bags trying to get into the terminal. I'm think noway am I going to get into the terminal before 12.30 never mind that checkin will be closed. That is when an angel appeared, in a high-vis jacket "Which flight sir?" "The 12:30 to Vancouver but I think I'd have missed it" "No sir you haven't come with me" and with that she clears away through the throng and escorts me to the Air Canada checkin, the high-vis girl drops me next to the air cananda queue and an attendant say "Which flight sir?" "the 12:30 to Vancouver", "Oh Sir that flight has been delayed you'll be travelling at 3.30pm, what the original time that flight was booked for?" "Yes Sir". At this point my body stopped work, my mind crashed....the red mist disappeared....I've never been happier to have a 3 hour delay in a airport. so after a nine and half hour flight with no music and a v. poor entertainment system, X-men was really bad the first time, and the only consolation was that I had a very nice person called Kate next to me to speak to I'm here in Vancouver. So it 4.30am Monday UK time so I'm off to bed now.
Friday, August 4
The Trained Monkey
on Fri 04 Aug 2006 21:41 BST
I spent the early part of this week in Galway Ireland, I've got to say the countryside was lovely and amazing place. I've posted some more pictures in my flickr acount. Saturday, July 29
The Trained Monkey
on Sat 29 Jul 2006 22:41 BST
Photosynth is a new image processing technology from Microsoft that takes a collection of images (say, of a famous ... more » Sunday, July 16
The Trained Monkey
on Sun 16 Jul 2006 12:15 BST
I spent most of Saturday on the balcony in the sun correcting photos I'd taken the previous weekend of Tony Young from Autoclav1.1.with some new techniques I've learnt in Photoshop.
Examples of this shoot can be found below, click on a the image to see the larger version and description ©2006 K2 Visuals There are more if you've got a flickr account ping me a message and i'll add you as a friend |