House of Commons Defence, Foreign Affairs, International Development and Trade and Industry Committees Strategic Export Controls: Annual Report for 2004, Quarterly Reports for 2005, Licensing Policy and Parliamentary Scrutiny
First Joint Report of Session 2005–06 Twelfth Report from the Defence Committee of Session 2005--06 Fifth Report from the Foreign Affairs Committee of Session 2005--06 Fifth Report from the International Development Committee of Session 2005--06 Seventh Report from the Trade and Industry Committee of Session 2005--06
What a bloody title.....the goverment just love it don't they?
This is the report from the committee that Mark Thomas gave evidence to regard the arms industry the experiences he turned into the book As Used on the Famous Nelson Mandela: Underground Adventures in the Arms and Torture Trade
His evidence starts at EV105 but I'd recommend reading the whole report if you've got the stomach for it.