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View Article  Some one really doesn't like Billie Piper
Well it seem they decided to put up a poster of a scantily clad Billie Piper in one of the most conservative neighborhoods in London. Someone seems to have taken offense to the poster and covered it in White Gloss. Some one really doesn't like billie piper

The picture that they splattered is this one
View Article  Tom Ford fulfils Hicks' prophecy

 From the List:

Hardcastle:  "For those of you familiar with Bill Hicks' stand up, I'm sure you'll rememeber his bit about the ultimate telivision commercial, where a girl is completely nude and touching herself. All it says is "Drink Coke". For those of you unfamiliar with this, here's the clip:

Well, it would seem that fashion designer Tom Ford has made it all reality.

 Jessic: "The obvious conclusion to draw from this is that it smells like minge... Erm I mean shocking state of society exploitation etc."