We the undersigned petition the Prime Minister to resist the ban on outside drinking and maintain the liberal culture of Soho.
This petition as been created by the licensee's of
Soho. If you live, work or just visit Soho, and you are familiar with The
Endurance Pub and want to support us against Westminster Councils objective for
a complete ban on outside drinking and socializing then please sign our
petition. It is the councils intention to enforce a complete ban on outside
drinking in all licensed premises.
Submitted by Alan Drew of Hope & Glory Public Houses LTD – Deadline to sign up by: 12 November 2008 –
Well haven't we been busy, below is a graph of the traffic that my blog has attracted since I started it back in June 2006 . It seems I now topping out my bandwidth and my blog was shut down by my providers for going over one gigabyte of transfer usage a month. Looks like I 'll be moving service or transferring my package soon.
Went to see the La clippers vs Memphis grizzlies last night, La won which was good but a weird game. most people more intrested on getting on TV than watching the game and the thought of drinking Budweiser again....eeeekkkkk
Just spend the weekend in Las Vegas, it was great as always just wish it could have been longer. Its amazing how much you miss people and how many memories come flooding back. But I'm writing this in Burbank, CA for a week of work which is always fun.....No doubt i'll have more pictures on the blog in a bit.
Well I've just got Thames Water to fit me a water meter, as I spend so much time away I thought it would help the old bank balance and the planet if I got one fitted.
Well its all in a name they say, Virgin Megastore rebrand as Zavvi....some time ago I blogged about the extreme poor customer service that I recieved from Parcel2go you can read the article on this link, http://blog.kking.co.uk/blog/_archives/2006/12/18/2582255.html well it seems they are going for a bit of a rebranding excerise and rebranding as Border HQ or borderhq.com if you like a web address. This I found out when I recieved an email from BorderHQ.com they email is below
From: c.jones@borderhq.com To: CC:
a.adams@parcel2go.com Subject: BorderHQ Date: Thu, 17 Jan 2008 16:36:57
Anneka Mercer (cc’d above) has
asked me to contact you as Parcel2Go.com are terminating their USA address
service and offering their customers a free move to www.BorderHQ.com who will take over this service. This is
due to the huge increase in subscriptions and the need for dedicated customer
services and to help ensure service quality is as good as it can be.
As a
current customer of Parcel2Go.com with part of a year’s subscription still left,
Parcel2Go.com has negotiated a deal whereby you will receive a full year’s
standard subscription with BorderHQ.com at no cost to yourself. You will be
given a free Lite membership worth £19.99 and also BorderHQ.com will fix the
renewal fee to £9.99 for a further year should you choose to renew. If you
increased your membership level in the following year then £9.99 would be
deducted from your renewal fee. See http://www.borderhq.com/levels.aspx for details of the
membership levels
BorderHQ.com will be opening up a log in area where you
can view any receipts and you can manage your own shipments online.
full time customer services advisors such as myself are at hand to help with any
problems you may have. Please email me if you want me to set this up but
please take note that Parcel2Go.com will be terminating its USA address services
within 28 days and you will be unable to continue to use this service with
Kindest Regards
Chris Jones
Well thats a bit of a turn up for the books Parcel2go terminating their service and going to a new company well maybe this company will be different. Well I hoped until I did a DNS lookup at www.dnsstuff.com and checked out who registered the website and shock horror Parcel2go and Border HQ have the same mailing address and low and behold its our old friend Anneka Mercer, know from such services as not returning your calls and being know as far as I was concerned "the biggest stumbling block at Parcel2go" when I had dealings with them. So a completely new company is it under the worst person I dealt with at Parcel2go, well BorderHQ better get themselves sorted at they don't seem to have registered under the Data Protection Act to hold peoples details and also Parcel2go or FAM Logistics as they like to be know seem to be giving peoples personal data away to new companies willynilly. Oh I feel a wheeze coming on. Watch this space.
The DNS results for Border HQ Ltd..
Registrant: Border HQ Limited Coe House Coe Street Bolton, Greater Manchester BL3 6BU GB
Domain name: BORDERHQ.COM
Administrative Contact: Mercer, Anneka ****@borderhq.com Coe House Coe Street Bolton, Greater Manchester BL3 6BU GB +448708033812 Technical Contact: Mercer, Anneka ****@borderhq.com Coe House Coe Street Bolton, Greater Manchester BL3 6BU GB +448708033812
Registration Service Provider: UK Reg, *******@fasthosts.co.uk +44 1452 541252 +44 1452 538485 (fax) http://www.ukreg.com/
Registrar of Record: TUCOWS, INC. Record last updated on 13-Jan-2008. Record expires on 06-Sep-2008. Record created on 06-Sep-2007.
Registrar Domain Name Help Center: http://domainhelp.tucows.com
Domain servers in listed order: NS3.LIVEDNS.CO.UK NS1.LIVEDNS.CO.UK NS2.LIVEDNS.CO.UK
Name & Registered Office: BORDERHQ LTD
BL3 6BU Company No. 06361240
Status: Active Date of Incorporation: 05/09/2007
Country of Origin: United Kingdom
Company Type: Private Limited Company Nature of Business (SIC(03)):
None Supplied
Accounting Reference Date: 30/09 Last Accounts Made Up To: (NO ACCOUNTS FILED) Next Accounts Due: 05/07/2009 Last Return Made Up To: Next Return Due: 03/10/2008
Previous Names:
No previous name information has been recorded over the last 20 years.
The list in the Register of data controllers for FAM LOGISTICS LTD
Registration Number: Z8622554
Date Registered: 28 May 2004 Registration Expires: 27 May 2008
Data Controller: FAM LOGISTICS LTD
Other Names:
This register entry describes, in very general terms, the personal data being processed by:
This register entry contains personal data held for 3 purpose(s)
Purpose 1
Staff Administration
Purpose Description:
or removals, pay, discipline, superannuation, work management or other
personnel matters in relation to the staff of the data controller.
Data subjects are:
Staff including volunteers, agents, temporary and casual workers
Data classes are:
Personal Details Family, Lifestyle and Social Circumstances Education and Training Details Employment Details Financial Details Racial or Ethnic Origin Trade Union Membership Physical or Mental Health or Condition
Sources (S) and Disclosures (D)(1984 Act). Recipients (1998 Act):
Data subjects themselves Relatives, guardians or other persons associated with the data subject Current, past or prospective employers of the data subject Education, training establishments and examining bodies Suppliers, providers of goods or services Financial organisations and advisers Trade, employer associations and professional bodies Central Government Employment and recruitment agencies
None outside the European Economic Area
Purpose 2
Advertising, Marketing & Public Relations
Purpose Description:
or marketing the business of the data controller, activity, goods or
services and promoting public relations in connection with that
business or activity, or those goods or services.
Data subjects are:
Customers and clients
Data classes are:
Personal Details Family, Lifestyle and Social Circumstances Financial Details Goods or Services Provided
Sources (S) and Disclosures (D)(1984 Act). Recipients (1998 Act):
Data subjects themselves
None outside the European Economic Area
Purpose 3
Accounts & Records
Purpose Description:
accounts related to any business or other activity carried on by the
data controller, or deciding whether to accept any person as a customer
or supplier, or keeping records of purchases, sales or other
transactions for the purpose of ensuring that the requisite payments
and deliveries are made or services provided by him or to him in
respect of those transactions, or for the purpose of making financial
or management forecasts to assist him in the conduct of any such
business or activity
Data subjects are:
Customers and clients
Data classes are:
Personal Details Family, Lifestyle and Social Circumstances Goods or Services Provided
Sources (S) and Disclosures (D)(1984 Act). Recipients (1998 Act):
Data subjects themselves Suppliers, providers of goods or services Ombudsmen and regulatory authorities
i seem to have a few unread messages after being away fo a few days...lets hope its just the iphone messing me about and not really that many otherwise I'm going to have to get through a lot of Viagra emails.
"Please accept with no obligation, implied or
implicit, my best wishes for an environmentally conscious, socially
responsible, low-stress, non-addictive, gender-neutral celebration of the
winter solstice holiday, practiced within the most enjoyable traditions of the
religious persuasion of your choice, or secular practices of your choice, with
respect for the religious/secular persuasion and/or traditions of others, or
their choice not to practice religious or secular traditions at all. I also
wish you a fiscally successful, personally fulfilling and medically
uncomplicated recognition of the onset of the generally accepted calendar year
2008, but not without due respect for the calendars of choice of other cultures
whose contributions to society have helped make this planet great and without
regard to the race, creed, colour, age, physical ability, religious faith or
sexual preference of the wishee. By accepting these greetings you are accepting
these terms. This greeting is subject to clarification or withdrawal. It is
freely transferable with no alteration to the original greeting. It implies no
promise by the wisher to actually implement any of the wishes for himself or
others, and is void where prohibited by law and is revocable at the sole
discretion of the wisher. This wish is warranted to perform as expected within
the usual application of good tidings for a period of one year or until the
issuance of a subsequent holiday greeting, whichever comes first, and warranty
is limited to replacement of this wish or issuance of a new wish at the sole
discretion of the wisher."
Intel has released Linux source code, and set up a community site,
to allow Fibre Channel frames to be embedded in Ethernet packets. This
means companies using Fibre Channel can make more use of the protocol
while maintaining their existing kit.
will provide a home for developments, as well as the various tools and
guides that will be needed by anyone trying the technology.
From The Register Ethernet dances the light fantastic I seem to have lambasted the rest of the article when i made my comments on the The Register
Part of me thinks, where were the Assistants who do the crowd control and did the director even tell the authorities that they were filming in the area??...Of course not, probably another production on the cheap thinking they can get away with it,
Well as its the season to be jolly I thought I'd share this lovely tit bit I found the The Register. Remember what ever you do at the office party you have to see that person the next day. The guys and girls in the building with RED Consulting seem to be having a bit of fun.
We're absolutely delighted to announce this morning that the
traditional drunken spirit of Xmas is most certainly not dead down at
41-44 Great Windmill Street, London W1, as the following email proves:
From: Mark XXXX
Sent: 14 December 2007 11:43
To: . All RED All Users
Subject: Extra Curricular Activities
Good Morning Everyone,
This morning the Office Manager from Sthree (company that occupies
the 2nd floor) informed me that last night two people were caught
enjoying 'relations' on one of their desks. The member of staff from
Sthree was working late and heard something going on around the corner,
after deciding to investigate he discovered the couple having sex and
to his astonishment they noticed that he had noticed, but decided to
continue anyway. Once 'finished' the lady in high boots asked the
member of staff if there was a toilet she could borrow. Classy!
Ok, this does raise a few questions. If a horny couple decided to
enter the office from the street they would have had to get past the
main street doors without a fob and into Sthree's offices without a
fob, which is a bit tricky. Sthree's main reception door in situated in
the main atrium and is always open. Therefore, there is a good chance
that they were already in the building. The member of staff describes
them as dressed casually, pretty much like we are dressed most days.
Also they appeared to be under the influence of alcohol…oh, that's
right we have a free bar on the 5th floor.
So, the message here is quite clear, please make sure you know who
is coming in the door behind you, make sure you can trust your friends
when they visit the bar and make sure all office staff have gone home!
P.S. If anyone does know who the copulating couple were, you can
drop me a little email to save me the task of trailing through a whole
evenings worth of CCTV! Thanks
Their website says See your location on the map, with or without GPS. Save time and tedious
keystrokes finding where you are, what's around you, and how to get there. Why the uncertainty? The My Location feature takes information broadcast from
mobile towers near you to approximate your current location on the map -
it's not GPS, but it comes pretty close (approximately 1000m close, on average).
We're still in beta, but we're excited to launch this feature and are
constantly working to improve our coverage and accuracy."
So as you can see from the picture the dot is not showing me where I am, (the dot is around St James somewhere when I'm currently located in Soho, London and the accuracy of the location data can be up to 5km off. So rather than telling me i'm in Soho it could be telling me I'm in Islington lets hope they improve the accuracy soon.
The rules are for Tube refunds Tube journey has been delayed for more than 15 minutes by circumstances within TFL control, use the Tube refund link to claim your refund.
The rules are for journey on London Overground has been delayed for more than 30 minutes by circumstances within TFL control, use the Overground refund link to claim your refund.
Well the academics at the Washington University School of Medicine in St. Louis revealed their shock findings yesterday from their research "Beer makes people have sex with you!!!!"
Yes, they have already started on next years work Trying to find out if the Pope is Catholic and do Bears toilet in the woods.
No more listening to the guitarist tune up between songs, oh bliss! Guitar manufacturer Gibson has started to produce the self-tuning Robot Guitar.
The technical details of how the axe keeps the strings nicely in tune -
via pitch-monitoring bridge, CPU, and servo-motored machine heads - is
available here.
indexing is great and can allow people to find great stuff on the web but when someone comes along and programs their spiders to make 10000 request and indexes(rapes) the whole site, I think oh my god you've killed my bandwidth. Which has got me a bit pev'd. The last few times its be Id-search.org, you and read all about that on this link. This time it looks like Identity sellers 192.com .I don't mind them indexing but have some consideration of peoples bandwidth cost, 10000 pages in one go is just excessive. Here a example out of the log file.
Anyone who comes to London knows how expensive it is to get around, well if your a tourist. You pay alot less if you have a Oyster Card, but you used to have to pay a 3 pound deposit and pay in advance to get one so anyone coming to London didn't used to have the time. Well Transport for London are running a promotion in line with the new London Overground network. You can get a Oyster Card for free and just top it up.
Oyster pay as you go is now valid across the new London Overground network. Click below to receive your free Oyster card.
Stephen fry said exactly what i was going to say "The rest of the world can
mock as much as it likes. If you’re going to have a phone/video
player/slideshow/music centre/web browser/camera in your pocket, is it so wrong
to want one that makes you grin from ear to ear? Not with smugness (though
heaven knows the enemies of the device will read that into the smiles) but with
May I present my Iphone, yes I have as my Gee at work put it. "Sucked on the Apple Crack Pipe." (C) 2007 www.podrush.net
I didn't have a good time with the Nokia N95 and found it to be a bit of a dog with a battery life of a dying bee. So lets hope the iphone is better.