Yes if like me you went WTF! who in there right mind would put that in a search engine, of course its too broad your going to need to narrow down your search criteria. maybe by county or some such qualifier, but your never going to find it on your first hit, probably need to check Google Images .
But back to Google Analytics and the server weblog, like Sherlock Homes I can tell our pervert lives in Nottingham, uses MSN to search on a Windows XP machine with IE6 and has NTL as a service provider. But Kevin you say how did he or she (yes I'm not going to be sexist, perverts come in all shapes and sizes) end up on your blog its not like my site in the centre for Gaelic Porn or that I have girls and boys with shamrocks covering the most interment places on every page. So a quick look back at the logs and the pages that brought the pervert to this site were::
Vista Content Protection Follow up: were I mention about a guy who owns the 'core' of the Vista Operating System
New Statesman Blog: post were I mentioned about John Prescott being caught 'shagging'
Reaction to Saddam's Execution post were I mentioned the 'Irish' government statement on Saddam's Death
The word hard didn't bring anything up, I'm so glad that it was a nice bit of techie, left wing politics and got the smut seekers interest just maybe they stopped for two seconds and read the site before they were off to the next site on the list. Come on Kev whats the changes of that.....
BTW if your looking for hard core Irish porn then look no further than here here or here
PS. All Safe for Work