So which is it? 60k or 20k.... BBC classic journalism
3 days ago....
Train defecator hunted by police
Police have released a CCTV image of the suspect
A man has been defecating in trains across south-east England, causing damage costing £60,000 to repair.
British Transport Police have released CCTV images of the man, who has struck on at least 30 trains since August.
He waits until he is alone before committing the offence, smearing excrement inside carriages.
Man on trains defecating charge
A man has been charged with causing more than £20,000 worth of criminal damage by defecating in train carriages across the south-east of England.
Bonney Eberndu, 36, of no fixed address, was arrested at Camberwell Green bus garage, in south-east London.
He is due to appear before Westminster magistrates on Friday.